The onboarding period can make or break your experience in a role…
That’s why Jerry Casale is dedicated to setting every Phenom SDR up for success.
Today on the #salestage, he shared how he made the transition from rep to educator, keys to setting up a strong onboarding program, and more!
Effective onboarding starts with a curriculum and solid schedule. Having a strong sense of direction throughout a program will lay out expectations not only for you the trainer but also for the SDR to know where they should be in their learning journey.
It’s also important that your company aligns with you and what you want the program to accomplish. Having your company let you try anything and everything even if it comes with failure, is crucial. Flexibility is key.
ASK QUESTIONS: Establish for yourself a “no question is silly” policy.
GET ORGANIZED: You are essentially an entrepreneur of your own book of business. How will you structure your day? What tasks will you attack first? Time blocking your calendar helps balance your day.
“Just do more activity, if you aren’t getting any meetings.”
If the content / way you are prospecting isn’t working, why would you continue down the same path? I always tell my reps to not be afraid to try something new.
Before joining Phenom, I worked for Apple. The methodology of “I don’t know, let’s find out,” still resonates with me. When I transitioned to a more traditional B2B sales role, I loved learning and using resources to find the answer.
As a newer rep, my organization had a lighter version of what our onboarding program is today. I knew I wanted to share that same excitement about learning with every new rep that joined the team.
My boss, Samantha Moeder is easily the most supportive and understanding boss I’ve had so far in my professional career. She gives me the ability to fail and try new things until I figure it out!
And I can’t go without thanking my previous mentor Callum Ayre. He helped me understand how to scale my onboarding program to what it is today.
Gifs in emails. I try to find a relevant gif to that person’s LinkedIn bio, industry, something on their socials, etc. Always be appropriate, but it’s a sales email not a dissertation – we can have fun with it!